"El trabajo ha sido la forma de vida sobre la tierra desde que Adán y Eva dejaron el Jardín de Edén."

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martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

English and Portuguese teachers for in-company training


ABS International is currently looking for well-qualified, enthusiastic and motivated Teachers of English to teach General and Business English and Portuguese in the following areas:

Parque Industrial de Pilar:
English: Tue & Thu - 8 am a 15 pm - (instructors of all levels needed)
Portuguese: Mo & Wed 12 to 1.30 pm - (Level: elementary)

Martinez (Unicenter area):
English: Mo & y Wed, Tue & Thu 12 to 3 pm (instructors of all levels needed)
Portuguese: Tue & Thu / Mo & Wed from 12 to 3:00 pm - (Levels: elementary & intermediate)

Applications including CV and an application letter should be sent to Mercedes Sarfiel, Academic Coordinator,
at elt@abs-international.com.ar

Please write the reference/s in the subject line and include your availability if different from above.

We look forward to hearing from you and to a great future of working together.

ABS International
Bouchard 1622
La Lucila (1636)
Pcia de Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax: (5411) 4799-1555

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